Customer Reviews

Distinking grade 8 - I bought books, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was acceptable.

Prisca nicole - I bought books, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was late.

Juma mweni hussein - I bought books, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was acceptable.

akuku - I bought bags, the product quality was acceptable, and the delivery time was late.

simon wafula - I bought books, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was early.

Mercelyne - I bought books, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was early.

Shejal Agrawal - I bought bags, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was early.

Flora - I bought bags, the product quality was below average, and the delivery time was early.

Viviane - I bought books, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was early.

Liz - I bought bags, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was acceptable.

Rosemary - I bought bags, the product quality was acceptable, and the delivery time was early.

Catherine Njoki Karingithi - I bought bags, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was acceptable.

Moraa - I bought bags, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was early.

Sammie - I bought bags, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was acceptable.

Everlyne Rono - I bought books, the product quality was acceptable, and the delivery time was early.

James - I bought bags, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was acceptable.

Vweonicah - I bought bags, the product quality was acceptable, and the delivery time was acceptable.

Effie - I bought bags, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was early.

Lucia Emily - I bought bags, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was acceptable.

ESTHER KARIUKI - I bought bags, the product quality was acceptable, and the delivery time was acceptable.

Carol Njeri - I bought bags, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was acceptable.

Karen Muthama - I bought bags, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was acceptable.

Felix Ogola - I bought books, the product quality was great, and the delivery time was early.